The Architect of Your Life
A little confession before we begin today’s read, I struggled a bit to write this piece, more like to accept the invitation to writing this piece, I felt like I was going to expose certain areas of me that perhaps I have chosen to keep to myself, but I knew deep inside that I wanted to do this, but there was just a voice filled with fear that kept me from writing this for a while, but I am excited that I get to share this with you, and that it’ll bless you.
Let’s jump into it, shall we? Happy Reading! Do you battle with insecurities?
Do you struggle with the way you were made? or the way you look? Or even the way you sound? or anything that makes feel less of yourself?
Well, I believe you’re not alone in this.
Psalms 139:3, 13-14 AMP
“You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And You are intimately acquainted with all my ways. For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.”
Well, we’ve all been there. There are times in my life where I struggled with how I looked, I compared myself with those that I thought were good looking just to downgrade myself. I struggled with the way I’d speak English, for your record, I actually speak French as my first language, so I had to learn how to speak and write in English.
And in high school, I had people picking up on me because of my accent, pretty much the way I sounded (with the French accent), and for any young boy who would like to appear all cool and impress others, those were not the type of days I thought I was going to have in high school or the type of energy I was looking forward to every morning as I would be getting ready for school.
I remember days, I’d come back home and just complain to my mom about it and she was always like “don’t worry” a sense of calmness in the moment, thanks mom. Sometimes, I had insecurities sharing some of my art work that could be a graphic design, or a piece of poem, I remember, often, I’d compare myself to other creators and looking down on myself and my work, for your record, there were times I compared my work with those who have been in the industry for like 8 or even 15 years, and I’d look at my own work and criticize it the more.
I had people giving positive feedback on my work but it was just not enough because I had a picture in my head against which I compared every little work of mine. Can you relate? Insecurities, we all experience them in different ways, yours could be that you’re not sure if you’re loved by your friends at school, you’re insecure about the way you look or dress up, insecure about how you do things in fear of being judged by those who actually don’t even know you truly. Now the question you should ask yoursefl is as follow: who are you allowing to shape your life?
The funny part is that we judge our own ways of doing with the assumption that that’s what they would do. Let’s have a look at how I look, that rhymed, didn’t it?
Well, even though, I heard people telling me that I am good looking, I somehow kept looking at what looked ugly in my sight, so I struggled with my physical appearance, yes, I care about how I look, don’t judge me, you too, do care about how you look, we just shouldn’t overdo it beyond our ability to please others while remaining empty or more like, we don’t actually remain empty but instead of being filled with security, assurance, positivity, God’s love, we exchange those with fear, insecurities, doubt, low self-esteem, unbelief, and so we let ourselves be filled with all these negative things.
Our hearts aren’t filled with the healthy things more like the God things, but instead our hearts are filled with every single thing the world feeds us with. We endlessly scroll through what our lives could be if only we had that, and we end up chasing after things we think will make us happy but just leaves us with a jar full of regrets, insecurities, doubt, fear, and so on.
And we can’t leave this unhealthy space on our own, we need to recognize and be aware of our current state, we have to be honest with God, recognising that we can’t do it without Him. In our current age, I believe that it should be an everyday pursuit to lay it all down to God, saying, I can’t control this please God help me.
How to overcome?
Here are some practical steps that can help, the ultimate help comes from God and not from your own strength.
Recognize your need for God’s help, accept that you’re human
Spend time with God, even when you don’t know how or feel like it
Be aware of your desires and what you truly want and match that with God’s desires and plan for your life (read His Word)
Don’t try to be better than others, be you and remain in your lane and grow in it
Know that God is the architect of your life and He knows exactly why He created you the way you are, discover who God has created you to be and walk in that truth.
God is our architect, He created us in such a unique way to fulfil a purpose. There is absolutely no mistake on you, everything that God has placed in you serves a purpose. Wherever you find yourself today, has a purpose hidden in it. You’re loved by a great great Father, who loves you even in your lowest moments, even when you feel as if you don’t deserve love, His love is ready to wrap you.
So don’t look at your imperfections or what others label imperfect on you keep you away from experiencing and walking into what God has prepared for you. Your imperfections are God’s field, let Him transform and change your life, be bold and walk in your calling, because the One who called you is greater than all the other voices all together.
I hope that today’s article has brought a little light to your life and that you will explore all the wonders that our good Lord has in store for you.
May God Bless You Abundantly.
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