Doubt, a limitation to us all.
That moment when I get a bright idea;
excited, I share the joy within myself.
In haste, a little voice rushes to my contentment
and brings a paradoxical feeling.
Unfortunately, I lean into it and allow it to grow.
That which was initially small suddenly appears giant
in my sight and leads to a blockage in my pursuit.
A little voice then, a giant image now.
Negativity spiralling in my mind, I need an escape.
But the giant figure seems to have blocked my escape way.
Slowly I begin to lean into its idea, and feed it the more.
A giant figure that keeps growing.
Slowly I begin to dance to its rhythm,
believing in its lies and accepting that
which is completely opposite to what I once dreamed of.
To its rhythm, I dance and am carried away from that
which I was purposed, in its own way I am taken far
away from the source that brought me here.
Limited, I meet impossibility on my path.
Restrained, I find inability on my way.
Stuck, I say yes to negativity.
Lost, I fail to rise.
Sadly, I’ve let this giant figure occupy the space
that belonged to the One who created it.
And made doubt a part of my life.
The doubt seems giant in my sight,
The doubt seems to have won.
But I won’t believe it,
I was created for more,
I was woven for greatness.
When I doubt, I will point my thoughts
to the One who gave me the vision.
When the doubts rise and knock on my door,
I will turn my eyes to the One who sees me
through His love and purpose.
When limitations strangle me,
I will not let it take my breath away,
I will turn to the One who called me.
I will lift my hands to the One who sent me.
I will cry to the One who chose me.
When I am lost in my thoughts,
wondering if I am capable,
should I, should I not,
could have, could have not,
maybe yes, maybe no.
I will not mingle with the doubt,
I will search for the Light that will
lead me back home where I belong.
Oh come doubt, come and meet my Jesus,
who saved me and forgave me.
Who said “it is finished”
Whose blood washed me.
So you are cancelled in my life,
you don’t belong here.
This temple belongs to the One
who created it, my JESUS.