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Hold On To Jesus

Sometimes I wonder what we do when we worry.

Do we constantly feed that which is stealing from us or do we turn to something else that holds the power to heal us?

Sometimes I wonder, if we give so much power to the enemy and feeling like we’re in a forever situation.

And sometimes I wonder, what would it be like if I could sincerely leave it all to God?

So then, I find out that the pain may still be there but in the presence of the true Comforter and not some idols.

The situation may still be the same, but I am not alone in it, this time, the God of wonders and possibilities is walking with me.

My heart may still pound, but the Prince of Peace is right by my side.

I may still be uncertain about certain things and the God of Promises is still thinking about me.
I may have made mistakes and sinned in different ways and on the other hand, the merciful Father embraces me with a kiss on my forehead.
I may beat myself up and hold a posture of self-righteousness and the God of Grace says to me, let it all down and come to me.
I may have wondered away, slipped off, feeling like, how did I get here, and my God says, I don’t disqualify you, matter of fact there’s provision for you.

Just like Peter, Jesus knew that he would deny Him but yet, He still invested in him, ‘cause Peter’s present or past was not a match compared to what Jesus had in mind for his future.

I wonder what areas of your life do you need to be reminded that God is still writing your story and whatever season you’re journeying through may be a chapter that prepares you for what He has for you in His future plan and purposes for you.

Perhaps, I have to remind myself of that too. That no matter where I am found today, i choose to hold on to Jesus and trust that He is carrying me to a better place, ‘cause my best days are not in my past but ahead of me.