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God Can Use Even the Broken Pieces
God doesn’t choose us because of what we bring to the table or what we can do for Him, even the little we bring He has given us. Out of His love and grace He uses us. God awaits to display His kindness and show the world through your life and my life, His marvellous grace so that when the world looks at us, they see Him.
From Porn Addict to Soul Seeker
I was being entangled, but I thank the Lord a thousand time for the warning He gave me. Because since then, things radically changed for me. I am honestly weak and proud to confess it because in my weakness, His glory really appeared; when I stumbled and asked for help, He provided until my complete deliverance.
The humble way is when people recognize the magnitude of their goal and commit to taking the right approach to reaching the goal, by coming up with a plan divided into progressively attainable steps.