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We all need to have a purpose. We weren’t just placed on earth for the sake of it, each and every single one of us has a part to play, has a purpose to fulfil, a purpose revealed to us by God. God who created us, did so with a purpose in mind.
His Word
The Word is true and should be believed and known in its entirety and not limit ourselves to only what sounds nice in our ears or whatever knowledge we agree with. As a friend said so well, for as long as we are on earth, we need to work out our salvation; Having been saved is one thing, living a godly life is another and the Word aids us in continuing to live in a godly manner, not taking for granted the goodness of God but striving to know His desires for the saints and His commends.
From Porn Addict to Soul Seeker
I was being entangled, but I thank the Lord a thousand time for the warning He gave me. Because since then, things radically changed for me. I am honestly weak and proud to confess it because in my weakness, His glory really appeared; when I stumbled and asked for help, He provided until my complete deliverance.
His Grace for us is more than a man can need. Our weapons are week against evil. We are able to see days end by Grace, we are able to stand on waters by Grace, we are able to walk through fire by Grace, we are able to stand in the unknown by Grace. So do not feel like becoming a vessel is something that you do on your own, it is something that is accomplished by Grace alone because HIS Grace is enough.
You Are You, I Am Me
Do not look down on yourself, it is depreciating the work of the hand of the Lord. Rejoice instead, for you are more valuable than you know. You are beautiful. Do not be frustrated if no one can see it, I can see it and want you to know that you are beautiful. Creating you was not a waste of time, but the will of the being who spoke existence into being, for a plan and purpose fitted for you and you alone.
New Ground
I have lived but never was I alive and as I have left the dark, this New LIGHT in which I'm in
is shaping me, changing me, cleansing me... I cannot claim to be there yet, because this is all new to me. However, I have the feeling that it was Your plan to bring me on this new ground all along, You only needed me to trust You.
The humble way is when people recognize the magnitude of their goal and commit to taking the right approach to reaching the goal, by coming up with a plan divided into progressively attainable steps.